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Yara Students: Home
Yara Students offer high quality fully inclusive luxury student accommodation in central London.Multiple locations in We
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Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk FLASH SALE TODAY‎
BRAND NEW BUILDING. London Bridge 16 mins on train, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Free Internet. Wheelchair Accessible. Onsite Laundry. Flat Screen TV. Experienced Team. Secure Door Entry. Fridge/Freez
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Secure Door Entry. Experienced Team. Free Internet. Fridge/Freezer. Onsite Laundry. Wheelchair Accessible. Flat Screen
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Onsite Laundry. Free Internet. Secure Door Entry. Experienced Team. Wheelchair Accessible. Flat Screen TV. Fridge/Freez
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Wheelchair Accessible. Flat Screen TV. Onsite Laundry. Free Internet. Fridge/Freezer. Experienced Team. Secure Door Ent
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Onsite Laundry. Free Internet. Experienced Team. Secure Door Entry. Fridge/Freezer. Wheelchair Accessible. Flat Screen
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Experienced Team. Onsite Laundry. Free Internet. Fridge/Freezer. Wheelchair Accessible. Flat Screen TV. Secure Door Ent
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard.
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk, FLASH SALE.‎
London Bridge 16 min, 24/7 Staff, Separate Study Rooms, GYM, Lounge & Backyard. Secure Door Entry. Experienced Team. Onsite Laundry. Free Internet. Fridge/Freezer. Wheelchair Accessible. Flat Screen T
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Onsite Laundry. Secure Door Entry. Experienced Team. Free Internet. Flat Screen TV. Wheelchair Accessible.
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk LAST DAY FLASH SALE‎
16 min London Bridge, 24/7 Staff, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Amenities: STARTING 3rd SEPTEMBER, Email for, FLEXIBLE START DATES.
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk 3 day Special offer.‎
BRAND NEW BUILDING. London Bridge 16 mins on train, GYM, Common room & Backyard. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. Wifi, Laundry, New Building, Study Room. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed. Common room + back yard. H
Student Accommodation London | £199 p.wk, 3 Day FLASH SALE.‎
London Bridge 16 min, 24/7 Staff, Separate Study Rooms, GYM, Lounge & Backyard. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. New Building, Study Room. Common room + back yard. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed. Wifi, Laundry,.
Student Accommodation London | £199 NEXT 3 DAYS FLASH SALE‎
London Bridge 16 mins on train, Study/work Rooms, GYM, Common room & Backyard. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed. New Building, Study Room. Common room + back yard. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. Wifi, Laundry,.
Student Accommodation, 24/7 | Staff, Bills&WiFi included‎
London bridge 16 min, Starting £217 p.wk Brand New Rooms, Flexible Start dates. Wifi, Laundry,.
Student Accommodation, 24/7 | Staff, Bills&WiFi included‎
London bridge 16 min, Starting £217 p.wk Brand New Rooms, Flexible Start dates. New Building, Study Room. Common room + back yard. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. Wifi, Laundry, Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed.
Student Accommodation London | From £217, Brand New building‎
Gym, 24/7 Staff, Excellent Value for money, Large Beds, Flexible Start dates. Wifi, Laundry,.
Student Accommodation, 24/7 | Staff, Flexible Start dates.‎
London bridge 16 min, Starting £208 p.wk brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates. Wifi, Laundry, Common room + back yard. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. New Building, Study Room. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed.
Student Accommodation, 24/7 | Staff, Bills&WiFi Inc | yarastudents.com‎
London bridge 16 min, Starting £217 p.wk brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. Common room + back yard. New Building, Study Room. Wifi, Laundry, Hi
London Student Accommodation | Starting £198.5 p.w* Bills Inc‎
24/7 Staff, Value for money, brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates. Common room + back yard.
London Student Accommodation | Starting £198.5 p.w* Bills Inc‎
24/7 Staff, Valve for money, brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. Wifi, Laundry, Common room + back yard. New Building, Study Room. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed.
London Student Accommodation | Starting £198.5 p.w* Bills Inc‎
24/7 Staff, Valve for money, brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates. New Building, Study Room. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed. Common room + back yard. Wifi, Laundry, 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden.
London Student Accommodation | Starting £198.5 p.w* Bills Inc‎
24/7 Staff, Valve for money, brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates. Wifi, Laundry, Common room + back yard. Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. New Building, Study Room.
London Student Accommodation | Starting £198.5 p.w* Bills Inc‎
24/7 Staff, Valve for money, brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates
London Student Accommodation | Starting £198.5 p.w* Bills Inc‎
24/7 Staff, Value for money, brand new rooms, Flexible Start dates. New Building, Study Room. 24/7 Staff, Roof Garden. Common room + back yard. Wifi, Laundry, Bills Inc, Lrg Double Bed. Highlights: Af
Short stay, Summer Let. | Studio Apartments‎
starting £249 per week bills& WiFi. Book now online and move in ASAP! 24/7 Security Guard. Flexible Start Dates. Best Value For Money. Central & Safe Location. Book Online Now.

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